Scholarships & Subsidy
National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Subsidy for Domestic Graduate Students to Attend International Academic Conferences
Scholarships & Subsidy
  1. Relevant Regulations: Guidelines on NSTC Subsidy for Domestic Graduate Students to Attend International Academic Conferences
  2. Contact Person for Application:
    1. NSTC: Ms. Li (Tel.: +886-2-2737-7104; e-mail:
    2. Graduate Academic Affairs Division (the applicant institution): Mr. Hu (Tel.: +886-2-3366-2388 ext. 409; e-mail:
  3. Contact Person for Expense Reimbursement (Office of Accounting):
    1. Students on Main Campus: Ms. Lai (Tel.: +886-2-3366-2089; e-mail:
    2. Students in College of Medicine: Please contact the Office of Accounting at College of Medicine.
    3. Students in College of Public Health: Please contact the Office of Accounting at College of Medicine.
  4. Application Procedure: (see Guidelines 3 and 5)
    1. Graduate students need to log on to the “Academic Research Service Portal” (on the home page of the NSTC website).
    2. Students have to prepare the following documents online and send them to the applicant institution for confirmation. The applicant institution will review their qualifications and documents, and then submit them to NSTC online.
      • a. The application form and the abstract of the paper to be published (only the paper published for the first time)
      • b. Acceptance letter
      • c. Recommendation letter from the supervising professor (indicating the foreign language ability)
      • d. Other useful documents for review (such as the full text of the paper)
  5. Submission Date (see Guidelines 4)
    • The last submission date of the application institution is the first day of the month before the first day of conference. Whenever the deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday, national holiday or any other statutory holiday, the deadline will become the next working day. Application will not be accepted after the deadline.
      • Owing to the working hours at NTU, please send the application online before 17:00 one day before the above deadline.
      • Taking a conference held in July as an example, the applicant institution ought to review and submit students’ applications to NSTC online before Jun. 1st; thus, students are required to prepare the documents mentioned above and send applications to the applicant institution for confirmation online before May 31st.
  6. The Policy for Case Modification (see Guidelines 6)
    1. Subsidy cases shall not be arbitrarily changed without being submitted by the applicant institution and approved by NSTC.
    2. Graduate students shall apply for changes online at the “Academic Research Service Portal” on the home page of the website of NSTC, and submit the relevant information. After the applicant institution has reviewed the relevant qualifications and documents, the application shall be sent online. The modification will be completed after NSTC permits the modification. Except for the cancellation application, all changes shall be applied before the conference.
    3. When the granted case is approved for cancellation by NSTC, the same graduate student can apply to the applicant institution for attending other international academic conferences in the same year.
  7. Filling for Expense Reimbursement (see Guidelines 7 and 9)
    1. Within 15 days after the conclusion of the conference, the applicant institution must submit a report on the attendance of the international academic conference through the online system (Academic Research Service Portal) and register the funds for reimbursement.
    2. Except for reasons caused by force majeure, if the graduate student has not completed the report submission or the funding reimbursement for the international academic conference with the prescribed deadline, he/she shall not submit the application for the international academic conference in the following year.
    3. Reimbursement Procedure:
      1. Students on Main Campus:Please contact the officeof your department to help access to the online Accounting System and create “Form for Attachment of Invoices and Receipts (支出憑證黏存單).”
      2. Students in College of Medicine and Public Health:Please ask for “Form for Attachment of Invoices and Receipts (支出憑證黏存單)” from the Office of Accounting in College of Medicine. After filling it out, please check “NTUCM Overseas Travel Expense Key Points Checklist.” (no need to access to the online Accounting System)
      3. Students are obligated to stick the documents as followed on the “Form for Attachment of Invoices and Receipts (支出憑證黏存單)” and go through all the required offices:
        • a. Flight ticket (hard copy) or electronic flight ticket
        • b. Proof of payment for the flight ticket
        • c. Proof of Boarding
        • d. Registration Fee Receipt from the Conference
        • e. Copy of the Official Approval Document from NSTC
        • f.  NSTC-funded Project Personnel Business Trip and Relevant Expense Reimbursement Request (國科會計畫人員國內外出差及相關費用申請單(國科會計畫專用))
        • g. Application Form for Personnel Boarding Flights on Non-Taiwanese Airlines for Overseas Travel for Official Purposes (因公出國搭乘外籍航空班機申請書)(If you board a flight from Non-Taiwanese Airlines, please fill out this form.) 
        • h. Foreign Exchange Rate during the Date of the Conference (
      4. The Office of  Accounting examines whether the Form for Attachment of Invoices and Receipts (支出憑證黏存單) are valid.
File download:
Attachment 2_NSTC-funded Project Personnel Business Trip and Relevant Expense Reimbursement Request.doc
Attachment 3_Application Form for Personnel Boarding Flights on Non-Taiwanese Airlines for Overseas Travel for Official Purposes.docx
Attachment 1_Overseas Travel Expense Report_n.doc