NTU Graduate Students Registration


New students: Newly admitted graduate students must register on-site and in person on the Registration Days specified in the NTU academic calendar in their year of admission. Students who fail to register in time will be deprived of their student status, unless they have applied for registration extension or retained admission status in advance. The maximum period for registration extension is one week.

Current students: Students should pay all applicable semester fees prior to the starting date of classes as set forth in the University’s official calendar (except for those granted leave of absence or withdrawal or qualify for graduation). The registration process is considered complete when all required fees have been paid. If the deadline passes and the student has not paid the required fees, he/she will be considered unregistered, and will be forced to withdraw (except for those who applied in writing for a registration extension).


Graduate Academic Affairs Division
+886 2 33662388 Ext 402-419


Registration procedure:

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