Applications for Graduate Degree Examination
Graduation / Leave School Process
Applications for Graduate Degree Examination
  1. Administration unit: Graduate Academic Affairs Division
  2. Contact: Staff Members in the Division
  3. Phone Number: Graduate Academic Affairs Division: 3366-2388 ext. 403 to 419
  4. The submission deadline for theses/dissertations (both hard-copy and electronic submissions) for is as follows: fall semester – first day of classes in the following (spring) semester; spring semester – three weeks before classes begin in the following (fall) semester (for academic programs with a stricter standard, the stricter standard shall apply).
  5. Please log in "myNTU►Students►Graduation►Steps fo Application to Leave School" to check all the procedures. After all the columns have been checked, students could come to Graduate Academic Affairs Division to get their diploma.
    • Before submitting the master’s thesis or Ph.D. dissertation, students must proceed a comparison of originality for their thesis or dissertation. Please submit the statement of academic ethics and originality comparison to the department for future reference.