Student Application Services and transfer examination
Credit Transfer Procedure
Student Application Services and transfer examination
  1. The Procedure is in compliance with theNATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY Regulations Governing Credit Transfers.
  2. Administration unit: Curriculum Division, Office of Academic Affairs
  3. Contact: (+886) 2-3366-2388 ext. 302 or 304, 305, 306, 307
  4. Applications for credit transfer/waiver shall be submitted and processed within the period (around mid-August) specified in NTU Calendar
  5. Please note:
    1. NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY Regulations Governing Credit Transfers serve as guidelines.
    2. If you are transferring from other institution(s) through transfer exams or (retaking) college entrance exams, please apply for credit transfe online (during mid-August), and submit the original transcript from your home department for approval. Approved credit transfer will be issued before Semester 1 starts (mid-September) by the Curriculum Division of Office of Academic Affairs..
      1. If the courses you wish to transfer are liberal education courses, they must first be reviewed by the Center for General Education (CGE)
      2. If you did not apply for credit transfer/waiver during the first semester of your enrollment at NTU, you should include an NTU transcript in your later application.
    3. The online courses mentioned in paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY Regulations Governing Credit Transfers refer to courses offered by universities at home or abroad on Coursera, edX, or Udacity. You may apply for credit transfer once you have passed such online courses and obtained the course completion certificate(s).

Credit Transfer Procedure:



Students apply online for credit transfer around mid-August, and submit the original transcript from their previous institution to respective department. (liberal education courses shall be reviewed by the Center for General Education; Chinese courses by the Dept. of Chinese Literature; English or foreign languages by the Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures/Japanese Language and Literature; Service Learning by Office of Student Affairs; PE by Dept. of Athletics) After review and approval by each department as well as a final review by the Curriculum Division of Academic Affairs, students shall receive a certificate of approved credit transfer.

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