開課單位英文縮寫 |
開課系所中文名稱 | 開課系所英文名稱 |
PE | 體育室 | The Atheletic Department |
MilTr | 校園安全中心 | Student Safety Center |
AdvEng | 外語教學暨資源中心 | Foreign Language Teaching & Resource Center |
CHIN | 中國文學系 | Department of Chinese Literature |
FL | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures |
Hist | 歷史學系 | Department of History |
Phl | 哲學系 | Department of Philosophy |
Anth | 人類學系 | Department of Anthropology |
LIS | 圖書資訊學系 | Department of Library and Information Science |
JpnL | 日本語文學系 | Department of Japanese Language and Literature |
Thea | 戲劇學系 | Department of Drama and Theatre |
ARHY | 藝術史研究所 | Graduate Institute of Art History |
LING | 語言學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Linguistics |
Music | 音樂學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Musicology |
TwLit | 臺灣文學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature |
MATH | 數學系 | Department of Mathematics |
Phys | 物理學系 | Department of Physics |
Chem | 化學系 | Department of Chemistry |
Geo | 地質科學系 | Department of Geosciences |
Psy | 心理學系 | Department of Psychology |
Geog | 地理環境資源學系 | Department of Geography |
AtmSci | 大氣科學系 | Department of Atmospheric Sciences |
Ocean | 海洋研究所 | Graduate Institute of Oceanography |
AsPhys | 天文物理研究所 | Graduate Institute of Astrophysics |
ApPhys | 應用物理學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Applied Physics |
PS | 政治學系 | Department of Political Science |
ECON | 經濟學系 | Department of Economics |
Soc | 社會學系 | Department of Sociology |
SW | 社會工作學系 | Department of Social Work |
NtlDev | 國家發展研究所 | Graduate Institute of National Development |
JOUR | 新聞研究所 | Graduate Institute of Journalism |
Med | 醫學系 | Department of Medicine |
Dent | 牙醫學系 | Department of Dentistry |
PHARM | 藥學系 | Department of Pharmacy |
藥學系(碩、博士班) | Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences | |
CliLab | 醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系 | Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Medical Biotechnology |
NURSE | 護理學系 | Department of Nursing |
PT | 物理治療學系 | Department of Physical Therapy |
OT | 職能治療學系 | Department of Occupational Therapy |
ClinMD | 臨床醫學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine |
CDent | 臨床牙醫學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Clinical Dentistry |
Physio | 生理學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Physiology |
BioMol | 生物化學暨分子生物學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology |
Phmco | 藥理學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Pharmacology |
Pathol | 病理學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Pathology |
Microb | 微生物學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Microbiology |
Anat | 解剖學暨細胞生物學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Anatomy & Cell Biology |
Tox | 毒理學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Toxicology |
MolMed | 分子醫學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Molecular Medicine |
Immuno | 免疫學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Immunology |
OraBio | 口腔生物科學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Oral Biology |
CliPhm | 臨床藥學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Clinical Pharmacy |
ForMed | 法醫學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Forensic Medicine |
Onco | 腫瘤醫學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Oncology |
Genom | 臨床基因醫學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Clinical Genomics |
PTMP | 轉譯醫學博士學位學程 | Doctor of Philosophy of Translational Medicine Degree Program |
CIE | 土木工程學系 | Department of Civil Engineering |
ME | 機械工程學系 | Department of Mechanical Engineering |
ChemE | 化學工程學系 | Department of Chemical Engineering |
ESOE | 工程科學及海洋工程學系 | Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering |
MSE | 材料科學與工程學系 | Department of Materials Science and Engineering |
EnvE | 環境工程學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering |
AM | 應用力學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Applied Mechanics |
BP | 建築與城鄉研究所 | Graduate Institute of Building and Planning |
IE | 工業工程學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Industrial Engineering |
Biomed | 醫學工程學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering |
PSE | 高分子科學與工程學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Polymer Science and Engineering |
Agron | 農藝學系 | Department of Agronomy |
BSE | 生物環境系統工程學系 | Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering |
AC | 農業化學系 | Department of Agricultural Chemistry |
Forest | 森林環境暨資源學系 | Department of Forestry and Resource Conservation |
AniSci | 動物科學技術學系 | Department of Animal Science and Technology |
AGEC | 農業經濟學系 | Department of Agricultural Economics |
HORT | 園藝學系 | Department of Horticultural Science |
VM | 獸醫學系 | Department of Veterinary Medicine |
BICD | 生物產業傳播暨發展學系 | Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development |
BME | 生物產業機電工程學系 | Department of Bio-industrial Mechatronics Engineering |
ENT | 昆蟲學系 | Department of Entomology |
PPM | 植物病理與微生物學系 | Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology |
FOOD | 食品科技研究所 | Graduate Institute of Food Science and Technology |
Biot | 生物科技研究所 | Graduate Institute of Biotechnology |
VCS | 臨床動物醫學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Veterinary Clinical Sciences |
BA | 工商管理學系 | Department of Business Administration |
Acc | 會計學系 | Department of Accounting |
Fin | 財務金融學系 | Department of Finance |
IB | 國際企業學系 | Department of International Business |
IM | 資訊管理學系 | Department of Information Management |
EMBA | 高階管理碩士專班(EMBA) | The Executive MBA Program in Business Administration |
MBA | 商學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Business Administration |
EMBAE | 管理學院高階公共管理組 | The Executive MBA Program in Senior Public Administration |
EMBAA | 管理學院會計與管理決策組 | The Executive MBA Program in Accounting and Management Decision-making |
EMBAF | 管理學院財務金融組 | The Executive MBA Program in Finance |
EMBAG | 管理學院國際企業管理組 | The Executive MBA Program in International Business Management |
EMBAI | 管理學院資訊管理組 | The Executive MBA Program in Information Management |
EMBAB | 管理學院商學組 | The Executive MBA Program in Business Administration |
GMBA | 管理學院企業管理碩士專班 | Global MBA |
PH | 公共衛生學系 | Department of Public Health |
OMIH | 職業醫學與工業衛生研究所 | Graduate Institute of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene |
EH | 環境衛生研究所 | Graduate Institute of Environmental Health |
MPH | 公共衛生碩士學位學程 | Master of Public Health Degree Program |
HPM | 健康政策與管理研究所 | Graduate Institute of Health Policy and Management |
EPM | 流行病學與預防醫學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine |
EE | 電機工程學系 | Department of Electrical Engineering |
CSIE | 資訊工程學系 | Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering |
OE | 光電工程學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics |
CommE | 電信工程學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering |
EEE | 電子工程學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering |
NM | 資訊網路與多媒體研究所 | Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia |
BEBI | 生醫電子與資訊學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics |
LAW | 法律學系 | Department of Law |
LawILS | 科際整合法律學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies |
LS | 生命科學系 | Department of Life Science |
BST | 生化科技學系 | Department of Biochemical Science and Technology |
ZOOl | 動物學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Zoology |
PlBio | 植物科學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Plant Biology |
MCB | 分子與細胞生物學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology |
EEB | 生態學與演化生物學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology |
FishSc | 漁業科學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Fisheries Science |
BChem | 生化科學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Biochemical Sciences |
MBC | 微生物與生化學研究所 | Graduate Institute of Microbiology and Biochemistry |
GenSys | 基因體與系統生物學學位學程 | Genome and Systems Biology Degree Program |
Distan | 遠距教學課程 | Distance Education |
LibEdu | 共教中心通識組 | Liberal Education |
GenEdu | 共教中心共教組 | General Education |
EduTch | 中等學校教育學程 | Center for Teacher Education |
Prog | 各學分學程 | Interdisciplinary Program |
Write | 寫作教學中心 | Academic Writing Education Center |