Works pertaining to the expansion of academic programs (College of Medicine, Engineering, Bio-Resources & Agriculture, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Life Science, and Graduate School of Advanced Technology)
Reporting estimated total number of students
General affairs of tuition and fees
University Institutional Evaluation
Services pertaining to the evaluation of NTU academic units
Assistance in services pertaining to entrance examination test construction for overseas Chinese Students
Works pertaining to the expansion of academic programs (College of Public Health, School of Professional Education & Continuing Studies, Center for General Education, International College, and D-School )
Ministry of Education database maintenance
Arrangement of Vice President's schedule
Service satisfaction surveys and management of NTU Suggestions Board
Assistance in services pertaining to entrance examination test construction for overseas Chinese Students
Higher Education SPROUT Project administered by OAA (College of Liberal Arts, Science, Social Sciences, Medicine, Public Health, Law, International College, and other centers)
The employment of part-time assistant and teaching assistant subsidized by OAA
Higher Education SPROUT Project review meeting for colleges
Management of websites of OAA and Teaching Quality Enhancement Project administered by OAA
Information security management system pertaining to OAA
Assistance in services pertaining to entrance examination test construction for overseas Chinese Students